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Buenos Aires - Tours

Buenos Aires Complete Itinerary
Plaza de Mayo and surrounding buildings - San Telmo - Puerto Madero - Ecological Reserve - Costanera Sur - Palermo’s Gardens - Retiro - Recoleta.
City Tour Cultural
We visit some of Bs. As. Historical buildings and churches, distinguishing as well some of the most important components of our popular culture such as tango.
Buenos Aires by Bike 2
The city of Bs.As. is full of magnificent parks and squares enriched by sculptures, monuments and ancient trees. We offer three entertaining itineraries by bicycle where nature, history and arts join together.
Buenos Aires by Bike 1
The city of Bs.As. is full of magnificent parks and squares enriched by sculptures, monuments and ancient trees. We offer three entertaining itineraries by bicycle where nature, history and arts join together.
In 1880 the Congress of Bs.As. gathered together in what nowadays is the Sarmiento Museum, and sanctioned the law by which Bs.As.
Palermo Chico
Was becoming a living image of Paris, product of the city’s high society’s dream.
Avenida de Mayo
This Avenue was also described through time as an Avenue designed by Argentineans inspired in Paris.
Through the oldest Churches
In this tour we make special reference to the active social and political participation of the Church.
Retiro & Recoleta "Un paseo por Paris"
High class society whose ideas were to turn the city into a living image of Paris, the city of light, imposing the typical French academic style in the architecture.
San Telmo & Monserrat
the most important spots of the city not only for its foundation origins, but also because it was the scene for most of the most important historical events.
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