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Puerto Madryn

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Location Information
Puerto Madryn
Where is it?
The Peninsula of Valdes this located in the northeastern region of the province of the Chubut, on the Atlantic Ocean, to the north we found the San José gulf and to the south the New gulf To borders of this last one one is erected the city of Puerto Madryn, on the foot of the horse armor of a plateau that reaches the 120 meters on the level of the sea.
Mapa Puerto Madryn
Population (2012):
• Total 73,612
• Density 220/km2 (580/sq mi)
Población Puerto Madryn
The Peninsula of Vades is the ideal place to make avistajes of whales, marine elephants, ping5unos and orcas is some of the species that heighten the fauna of the Peninsula and that, in the middle of landscapes of majestic beauty, they summon to the national and international tourism.
Political Division
• Total 330 km2 (130 sq mi)
This region presents/displays particular climatologicas characteristics due to its geografica situation. The annual average temperature is of 14 centigrados degrees, with maximum in summer of 35 degrees centigrados, and one minim in inferior winter to the 5 degrees Celsius. The precipitations are little in summer..., and also in winter

Point of Interest