High Mountain

Walk and enjoy the vastness of the mountain is what is proposed in the road, noted for its rich landscape. Leaving the Pan-Americanroute will pass through landscapes of extraordinary beauty such as Potrerillos and Uspallata. Visit the historic Bridge Picheuta, Polvaredas, Punta de Vacas. Then arrive at Los Penitentes ski center and soon after to Puente del Inca with its fascinating geological formations and hot springs. Aconcagua Provincial Park entrance (only in summer months and as an option but we get to the Christ the Redeemer) continue along the path, making a stop at the "Mirador del Aconcagua" to get from there the best view of Mt. Continue to Las Cuevas,Argentina last town on the road. Return to Mendoza.


Programme includes:

  • Departure: daily (except Monday) Time: 07:30 / 20:00
  • Duration: all day all year round
Vistas: 4460